Some of our plaques they still say CAINT


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Aloha, Mahalo, Ho

What up mark ass bitches. So I was mad for a little because we had to ditch a 25 tee order. We're whores so we'd do anything for money, but the time to complete this nasty task was too $hort, but fuck it, shit happens, blow me.

Tomorrow CAN'T will be in Hawaii so expect some shit within the next 5-10 days.

And around the way

Free tee to the 1st person to get CAN'T 50 friends
Have your ass(tell your friends to) get down with CAN'T.

Tellem you sent them.

We're handin out this peice

Our upcoming product
available in XL L M and S
Our bad fat boys.

Still up fo grabs, Break yoself fool.

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